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Food Safety

To operate their businesses effectively, our customers require fresh and safe products and that is what we intend to provide.  Our industry continuously faces new challenges in regard to food safety, and we strive to meet these challenges head on and do our part to protect our customers as well as the overall food supply chain.


Our Program


Our food safety program is an integral part of our daily operations that is guided by regulatory and third-party audit standards. We have created a system that utilizes several methods to keep all food safe that is stored and handled at our facility:



USDA GAP/GHP - We have been inspected by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and listed as a GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) / GHP (Good Handling Practices) certified facility. The USDA database that contains our certification listing can be found here. This third-party audit program ensures that additional standards for food safety are being met.

































Recall Preparedness

We have developed and implemented a recall program that addresses food safety concerns at multiple points in the distribution process. In addition to recall operating procedures, our program is equipped with traceability capabilities and tested for effectiveness utilizing mock recalls.


Active Managerial Control

Our food safety staff is present full-time during operations and available to anticipate and resolve any issues that may arise. Our food safety manager, Austin Hill, is certified as PCQI (Preventive Controls Qualified Individual).


Food Safety Training

All staff members are trained onsite in GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) with a focus on food protection. Training includes personal hygiene, facilities control, recall preparedness, food defense, pest control, and process controls.


HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) Plan and Prerequisite Programs

Sanitation of our facility as well as our trucks and preventive maintenance programs are just a few of the ongoing controls in place to ensure safe operations throughout our facility and during product transport.


Federal Compliance

Because of the above components of our food safety plan, we are compliant with FDA’s (Food and Drug Administration) FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act), as well as the corresponding GMPs, sanitary transportation rule, and produce safety rule.




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